Out of Ashes Farm
Thoughtfully and Lovingly Raised
We are a small-scale cottage farm focused on creating abundant, regenerative food systems. We seek to work with the land we steward by not exceeding its carrying capacity, balancing the relationship between land and animal, and establishing long-term perennial plantings, pastures, and water harvesting features.
Where to Find Our Products
We sell directly to consumers. Pork and lamb shares are reserved early in the season and then are available for pick up from the butcher after harvest. Eggs are by subscription with delivery to our NE Portland drop site. We also partner with Sun Love Farm and offer eggs through the CSA membership and eggs for sale at their stand at the Oregon City and Milwaukie farmers markets. Wool products can be found on our website through a link to our wool-specific business.
Production Practices
Pasture-based Rotational Grazing. Non-GMO. No Spray. High Animal Husbandry Standards.
Grazing, Pasture, and Nutrient Management Practices
Our pastured pigs are managed in a silvopasture system which is intended to provide a seasonal food source to our pigs, nutrients for the pasture system, shade, and habitat for wildlife.
We move our pigs to fresh forage as soon as the current is depleted, and before it is exhausted. That requires us to keep our stocking rates on the low side of what our land can carry. We are a farrow to finish operation, so our breeding animals are kept in a separate pasture system from our feeder pigs. Our breeders are also rotationally managed.
Our sheep are grazed rotationally on native range land. We are working to improve the depleted land with the help of our primitive sheep, who thrive on upland ranges.
Environmental Conservation
We strive to manage our stock in such a way as to limit and eliminate erosion and improve runoff conditions in our local creek by encouraging rain to penetrate the soil and move slowly down our hills. Our silvopasture system creates a habitat for both wildlife and our livestock to live comfortably in most weather conditions. We set aside wild areas for the passage of wildlife through our farm.