Winter Classes

Upcoming 2023 Winter Classes

We know that the learning never ends for farmers and ranchers…

That’s why we are committed to offering
some of the most comprehensive educational content,
by farmers for farmers, to all of you within our community
and beyond!

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T’is the season to kick your feet up and relax your bones.

In this year’s Oregon Pasture Network Winter Classes Education Series, we’re addressing some of our farmers’ most pressing issues, including but not limited to meat quality and on-farm butchery, increased pasture nutrition, drought tolerant pasture varieties, livestock emergency veterinary care, succession planning, successfully running a pastured poultry business and predator control and farm marketing.

We’ve also asked some of our EXPERT scientists, industry partners, educators and friends at OSU Extension to lend their time, expertise and technical assistance to our community of farmers!

It’s time to work your brain and get the knowledge you seek from seasoned farming, pasture and livestock experts!

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The Winter Class Series is held on Thursdays from 6:30P-8P PST, from January 19, 2023 and concludes on Thursday, March 9, 2023!
Here is the virtual class line up for Winter 2023 :

[vc_cta h2=”JAN 19TH : Pastured Poultry at Deck Family Farm” h4=”Featured Instructor : Christine Deck, Co-Founder of Deck Family Farm”]Christine Deck will give an overview of the Roaster, Layer and Turkey programs at Deck Family Farm. We will explain how chore boards, dashboards, and the income statement direct and inform decisions about animal health, “mindful” efficiencies, and financial sustainability. We will also look at the rewards, challenges and future improvements to raising poultry on pasture at the farm.[/vc_cta]
[vc_cta h2=”JAN 26TH : Passing the Baton – Succession Planning” h4=”Featured Instructors : Andrea Krahmer & Diana Tourney”]Hear how to take the next steps with your succession plan from Diana Tourney, Accountant and Farm and Ranch Succession Counselor, and Andrea Krahmer of Oregon Agricultural Trust – a statewide nonprofit that helps people protect and pass on their land using agricultural conservation easements.[/vc_cta]
[vc_cta h2=”FEB 2ND : Summer Forages for Resilience” h4=”Featured Instructor : Dr. Shayan Ghajar, OSU”]Join us to discuss tools to mitigate and adapt to Oregon’s increasing summer heat and unpredictable precipitation. Topics will include pasture species selection, soil health, and grazing/haying management.[/vc_cta]
[vc_cta h2=”FEB 9TH : Keeping Clean Books” h4=”Featured Instructor : Geoff Scott, Co-Founder of Marion Acres”]When you’re farming, you’re often doing more than enough keeping everything clean. However, if your books are a mess, because you’re too busy to keep up with them, your business, accounting, pricing and taxes might become a mess too! Geoff will offer some great tips to help you keep clean books![/vc_cta]
[vc_cta h2=”FEB 16TH : When to Call a Veterinarian & What To Do Until They Arrive” h4=”Featured Instructor : Dr. Charles Estill, OSU”]This class is focused on sheep, goats and cattle and is designed to equip livestock owners how to recognize emergency and serious health conditions in small ruminants and cattle. Some of the more common maladies that affect livestock will be discussed including plant poisonings, predation injuries, traumatic injuries, reproductive emergencies, and serious infectious and metabolic disorders.[/vc_cta]
[vc_cta h2=”FEB 23RD : Soil Science & Increasing Fertility” h4=”Featured Instructor : Brian Lepore”]Soil is the foundation of all food and the better soil means better food. In this class, we will dive into the benefits and techniques of using livestock to build better soil fertility to build healthier pasture which results in healthier livestock and delicious farm products.[/vc_cta]
[vc_cta h2=”MAR 2ND : On Farm Predator Control” h4=”Featured Instructors : Jon Carter of Scio Farms and Gus Liszka of Naked Acres Farm”]Coyotes and Foxes, Racoons, Oh My! In this course, you will learn how to keep your livestock safe from predators. Our instructors will share a variety of techniques for most standard fencing, both electrical and panels so you can protect your investment.[/vc_cta]
[vc_cta h2=”MAR 9TH : Meat Science & On-Farm Butchery” h4=”Featured Instructor : Nate Parker, OSU”]This course will discuss how to evaluate when livestock are ready for harvest, post-mortem changes and carcass characteristics that affect meat quality, and how to optimize carcass processing to obtain a blend of value and quality from your cuts.[/vc_cta]