Rock ‘n Wool Ranch

Rock ‘n Wool Ranch

Local Grass-Fed and Pasture-Raised Meat
Rock N’ Wool Ranch is a small family-run business. We raise grass-fed cattle and sheep on our pastures year round.

What we do

We are working to heal our selves, our soils, our pastures and our community through rotational grazing. Our ranching practices use no imported fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides.  We strive to raise all our own animal feed.  Our animals are born and raised on our pastures.  We graze in rotation, and harvest hay for winter feeding.

Breed Conservation

Navajo Churro sheep are the oldest domesticated sheep in North America, brought by Spaniards in the 16th century. Their population is rebounding from serious decline, and they are classified as a Threatened breed.  We are proud to shepherd this wonderful flock and have limited product available.  Navajo Churro are listed on the Slow Food Ark of Taste, they are a rich, delicious low fat meat.


We have whole lambs and half (a side) of lamb available for reservation. Delivered in the spring, sold by hanging weight.


We have raw wool fleeces in a variety of colors.


We have whole, half (a side), and on occasion quarters (half a side) of beef available for reservation. Delivered in the fall and spring, sold by hanging weight.

Contact Info



Phone: 541-510-3313

Address: 28345 Pleasant Valley Road, Sweet Home, OR, USA

More Details

Offerings: Beef

1920 2560 rocknwoolranch