Weathered Oak Farm

Weathered Oak Farm

Weathering Life's Elements With Healthy Wholesome Nutrition

It is important now more than ever to support our immune systems with healthy food choices. There is a way; getting back to basics! Selecting simple, wholesome, naturally raised food is what our bodies need to do just that. 

At Weathered Oak Farm, we take great care nurturing and raising grass-fed lamb, beef, chicken, turkey, and eggs to provide a source of healthy and tasty local pasture raised food, full of nutrients. 

We want to help you easily find quality products to make the centerpiece of your meals, while supporting you and your family’s health and wellness journey! 

I don’t know about you, but just because I want to eat healthy doesn’t mean I want to sacrifice flavor. Making sure our farm customers get the highest value of nutritious and delicious is important! We respect every animal we raise and we love sharing food to satisfy the palates and support the health of those in our community.

Where to Find Our Products:

All products are available for on farm purchase or pre-arranged drop site pickup in Lebanon, Albany, or Salem. Contact us via our website at for available product inventory. Online inventory and ordering coming soon! Currently, limited beef shares are only available once per year by reservation. 

Production Practices:

  • 100% grass-fed, grass-finished heritage breed Jacob Lamb and Dexter Beef ~ both known for incredible flavor
  • Meat chickens are Freedom Ranger breed, super tasty and more suited to pasture life than the commercial Cornish Cross breed
  • Turkeys, meat and egg laying chickens are pasture raised, offered a locally sourced and milled high quality feed containing NO Corn, NO Soy, and No-GMOs
  • Pasture-based mobile, rotational everything! 
  • No antibiotics, hormones, steroids, chemical pesticides, or herbicides
  • All animals raised with humane practices, cherished, and loved


Grazing, Pasture and Nutrient Management:

Our grazing and pasture management involves implementing rotational and management intensive multi species grazing in harmony with nature. Utilizing mobile electric fencing, we divide pastures into smaller paddocks and rotate grazing areas regularly to help support soil and plant health, encourage biodiversity, and allow grazed areas plenty of time to rest and recover between grazing. 

Frequent moving of animals on pasture also supports distribution of animal manure to help fertilize the soil. In the winter we utilize a dedicated paddock to restrict overgrazing of dormant pasture grass. Grass hay, sourced locally, is fed distributed throughout the winter paddock to better spread “nature’s fertilizer” as well as organic material to help improve soil quality. We are also working to implement the introduction of cover crop seeding to enhance soil and forage quality as well as reduce weed pressure without the use of herbicides. 

Environmental Conservation: 

Just as important as our health is, so is that of the land we farm on. We value the soil and pastures which sustain our animals, and are continually working to align our practices toward nurturing biodiversity and improving the health of our soil. To help protect soil microbial life, pollinators, and the local watershed, we do not use herbicides, or pesticides on our farm and pursue introducing new pasture spices with little to no tillage. 

How to Find Our Products

On Farm Sales

Contact Info



Phone: 503-803-9392

Address: 38804 Griggs Drive, Lebanon, OR, USA

More Details

Offerings: Chicken, Eggs, Lamb, Sheep

2560 1920 Weathered.Oak.Farm